7:00pm - The Born Losers (1967) In his first screen appearance, Billy Jack takes on a nasty biker gang who has been terrorizing a small beach town. Despite kidnapping and violating several young women, the townfolk are too frightened to do anything and Billy Jack must take matters into his own hands.
9:00pm - Billy Jack (1971) After nearly dying in the first film, Billy Jack is back, this time with his trademark "Indian hat" and headband. While still just as racist and bigoted as before, these bad guys aren't bikers, just nasty rednecks out to shut down the "Freedom School." They'll have a tough time of it though, as Billy Jack's peace and love schtick apparently doesn't apply the use of violence against rednecks.
Just a Few Billy Jack Facts:
- As a Special Forces Vietnam Veteran, Billy represents possibly the first appearance of the vengeful 'Nam vet archetype that would flood 1980's cinema. Unlike those later vets who were all white and often fought against criminal minorities street gangs etc., Billy, a half-Navajo, kicks ass on behalf of hippies and Native Americans.
- A few years before the United States was introduced to Bruce Lee, there was Billy Jack. Choreographed by Bong Soo Han, who also body doubled for Tom Loughlin in some of the fight scenes, these films represent one of the earliest popular appearances of martial arts, in this case Hapkido, in popular American Cinema. Of course, Hapkido was also the style that Bruce Lee originally learned...
-Director Tom Loughlin, who also wrote and produced all four Billy Jack films also stars as Billy Jack. Loughlin has run for president three times, most recently in 2008.
-While the 60's were rife with biker films, The Born Losers predates Easy Rider, the film that 'blew-up' the counterculture movie heroes and outsider filmmaking.
-At the time that Billy Jack was first released in 1971 (somewhat unsuccessfully) the American Indian Movement was in full swing. Its re-release in May of '73 came just a month after the Incident at Wounded Knee, an event which in some ways paralleled Billy Jacks political themes and climax, perhaps helping make the film's "second coming" a tremendous success that led to two more films.
Come join us for this FREE special event at the Sunset and witness for Billy Jack for yourself! Crowd participation is encouraged and all attendees will receive a useless commemorative trinket!
Our second February show will be on the 18th. Until then, we'll see you on the 4th.
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