I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Where's the usual barely witty and disparaging synopses of these films guys? C'mon!" Well the truth is that when I usually write these things, I've seen the films at least once, maybe twice already. This time however, Phill put together an almost totally secret show featuring a lineup that was a mystery even to me until practically the last minute. Unlike the shows I put together, I have total faith in my comrade's ability to concoct an unassailably rad cinematic assault to blow your mind. He has done so every single time in the past.
In this case, I have yet to see two of the films on the roster for March 21st, it is going to be as much a surprise for me as it is for you. That said, I put together a brief lineup roster with vague and mostly fabricated synopses:
Low Blow - 7:00 - Low budget “action” film starring Leo Fong as a private dick who doesn’t seem to care about his car, or parking it.
Ring of Steel - 8:30 - Watch Ren-Fair nerds fight each other to the death for your amusement. Feels good doesn’t it?
TC 2000 - 10:00 - Post-Apocalyptic sci-fi martial arts actioner starring Billy "Tae-Bo" Blanks, Bolo "Chinese Hercules" Yeung and Mathias "Tiny Head" Hues in wall to wall Terminator rip-off robo-fighting!
Hahahaha! This is going to be fantastic. See you then!
Thanks mang! This show will be special. For anyone that really wants to abuse themselves don't miss the pre-show beauty that is the Awful Hour at 6pm. I've dug up some exquisite treats to share that are sure to have everyone in a writhing mania by 7pm.